Geo Super Angel Brown (XCM-214)
Caractéristiques / Specifications
Marque/Brand : Geo
Couleur/Color : Brun, Brown
Diamètre/Diameter : 14.8mm
Courbure/Base Curve : 8.6
Durée/Duration : 1 an/year
Référence : XCM-214
Notes / Rates
Confort/Comfort 10/10
Enlargement 9/10
Opacité/Opacity 9/10
Beauté du motif
/Design 9/10
Remarque / Remarks
Super comfy, it's the first pair of circle lenses I bought.
It gives you dolly eyes and seen that it's brown and that the design is looking natural you don't see the lenses that much, a beautiful big eye effect without looking fake!Plus, they're the same as Sakurina!
Où je les ai achetées / Where I got them
Sur ebay mais comme c'était il y a longtemps je n'ai plus le lien >w<
On ebay but it was a long time ago so I don't have the link anymore >w<
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